
by the gospel

mark(ed) sermon series

The Gospel of Mark presents to the world the life of Jesus and his life left a mark in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and the to the ends of the earth.

Jesus has marked our lives too, in fact the gospel transforms how we live our lives. Taking stories from Mark how do we radically follow Jesus, increase our faith, overcome doubt, stand in the storm and flee from the norm.

Over the summer we'll be listening to multiple voices from the heart of the church.

Explore each message in this series below.

week 1 // Don't be afraid, Just believe

week 2 // Jonnie and kizzy leaving

week 3 // Karlys thompson - faith and doubt/ charlotte thompson - ancient ruins

Week 4 // Jonathan McGill | Who is this jesus? | 19th August 2018

Week 5 // Yomi Bello-hearing from god/ sam aldridge-falling at the feet of jesus | 26th August 2018